Welcome to the DSC Weekly Digest, a production of Data Science Central. Every week, we pick out the newest and brightest articles on the topic of data … and how it informs our lives, powers our applications, and provides insights into our world.
From the Editor’s Desk
A new year always brings at least aa temporary shift in any organization as people move beyond closing out the tasks that they had set out from the previous year, reprioritizing the ones that didn’t get the traction they needed and starting new initiatives towards achieving the goals of that organiztion.
This year in particular is likely to be the year of Covid recovery. Vaccines are now rolling out in various places, even as new strains continue to threaten quarantine weary people worldwide. Companies, agencies and universities will be struggling not only to deal with adapting to a largely virtual stance, but also will be faced with the daunting task of reinvisioning themselves not as facilities but as collections of people distributed globally.
The key trends in 2021 from a technological perspective are also well mapped out. Enterprise knowledge graphs, integration of curated semantic and machine-learned systems, the increasingly sophisticated role that DevOps and continuous integration is playing, and the mainstreaming of drones all will likely be top of the stack this year. At the same time, shoring up our data infrastructure in the face of the SolarWinds hack and similar exploits has also become a key priority. In all of these cases, data science is critical, and we hope that DSC will continue to provide the resources you need to manage all of these.
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